Planning Applications Received/Planning Decision Notifications

Owing to Selby District Council no longer sending out neighbour notifications, the Parish Council will in future publish any planning consultations received for discussion at their next meeting.

The following planning applications will be discussed at the July Parish Council Meeting (Tuesday 9th July 2024):- 


Decisions Pending 

ZG2024/0215/CPE - Lawful development certificate for existing use of land as lawful domestic curtilage and garden area for the Coach House, Thorganby at The Coach House, Main Street, Thorganby

Planning Decisions 2024


2022/1411/LBC - Insertion of French doors into rear elevation and new patio area to rear at Thorganby House, Main Street, Thorganby 

ZG2023/0394/FUL - Retention of fence and gate, and new access over grass verge (retrospective) at Clarke Field, Gale Lane, Thorganby

ZG2023/1243/REM -  Reserved matters consent for details of layout, scale, appearance and landscaping pursuant to outline permission 2019/668/OUT Outline application for a residential development and demolition of steel portal framed former haulage workshop building to include access (all other matters reserved) at Pasture Cottage, Main Street, Thorganby 



ZG2023/1349/FUL - Erection of a general purpose agricultural building on land adjacent Haycroft Cottage, Roth Hill Lane, Thorganby